Wooden Fencing

From MHWiki
[v·e] 1058 Wooden Fencing
Wooden fences built upstream of the wall to slow down (at least try) the zombies marching toward the city.
Category Buildings
Sub Category Wall Upgrade v1 buildings
Unlocked by Wall Upgrade v1
Defence 40
Action Points cost 60
Resource cost ×15 ×5
Unlocks See list

A wooden fence to keep the zombies out. Why didn't we think of this sooner?


  • Building it gives 40 to the town.


  • In Season 3:
    • Barricades were renamed to Wooden Fencing
    • The image changed from to
    • The provided was decreased from 25 to 20.
  • In Season 4:
    • The resource cost was lowered from ×5 to ×2
    • The provided was decreased from 20 to 15.
    • The provided was decreased (again) from 15 to 10 in a later update.
  • In Season 6:
    • The provided was increased from 10 to 30.
    • The materials cost lowered from ×5 ×2 to ×5 .
  • In Season 16:
    • The provided was increased from 30 to 40.
    • The materials cost increased from ×5 to ×15 ×5.