Small Cemetary

From MHWiki
[v·e] 1105 Small Cemetary
Bring out your dead! For once, they're going to be useful. Use them to summarily improve our defences. Each dead citizen brought to the cemetary gives +10 defence points to the town. Note: How and where the victim died makes no nevermind...
Category Buildings
Sub Category Sanctuary buildings
Unlocked by Sanctuary
Blueprint uncommon
Defence give
Action Points cost 42
Resource cost ×1 ×10
Unlocks See list
Cimetière cadenassé

This construction adds +10 for every resident that has died, no matter where or how. It's the thought that counts...


  • For each resident that is dead, the town gains 10 permanent .
  • This building will give the "Cadaver Bonus" no matter where, when or how the citizens died. You do not have to find the corpses of players who died in the World Beyond and it does not matter how the corpses of dead citizens in Town are disposed of (by watering, by fire, by Cremat-O-Cue, by dragging, etc).
    • The bonus is retroactive: even if there were players who died before the building was constructed, their corpses will still contribute to the bonus. This applies also to players who die after constructing the building.


  • In the Detailed Defence Report, the tool-tip next to the defence points gained from the "Cadaver Bonus" has the following "Help" text:
This bonus has been obtained thanks to your old friends and the Small Cemetery building
