Barbed Wire

From MHWiki
[v·e] 1028 Barbed Wire
Cover the walls of barbed wire so that a few small bits remain attached to the passage.
Category Buildings
Sub Category Wall Upgrade v1 buildings
Unlocked by Wall Upgrade v1
Defence 20
Action Points cost 10
Resource cost ×1 ×2
Unlocks See list

Nothing stops zombies better than a couple pieces of rusty metal on top of the wall. Actually, a lot of things do, but it's still better than nothing.


  • Building it gives 20 to the town.


  • In Season 3:
    • Barbs were renamed to Barbed Wire
    • The image changed from to
    • The dropped from 9 to 5
    • The description changed slightly, the old one was: Even more basic than your usual barbed wire... because, well, we have no wire...
  • In Season 6:
    • Provided increased from 5 to 10.
  • In Season 16:
    • Provided increased from 10 to 20.