Mangy Dachshund

From MHWiki
[v·e] Mangy Dachshund
The only form of life who can really give you love in this cursed hell. As far as you are familiar with dogs, this one is loyal, with sharp jaws and can grunt wonderfully. In the worst case, the butcher will be happy to "take care" of this "sausage dog"...
Defence object
Category Items
Sub Category Defences
Butcher gives×2
Weaponkills 1
leaves behind
Guard Weapon18
leaves behind
Teckel galeux
Räudiger Dackel
Perro Salchicha Pulgoso

Do you know what it's like when others constantly look down on you? Then you know why this teckel is the way he is: Aggressive, loud and deadly.



  • Attacking with it kills 1 Zombie.
  • After attacking there is a 15 % chance that it disappears.
