
From MHWiki
[v·e] Thefts
Number of objects you have stolen from your fellow residents (alive).
Category Distinctions
Sub Category Normal distinctions

After stealing so many things, you might expect people to hold a grudge against you and your acts of crime. On the contrary, theft is in fact extremely common, as long as you only take a battery-less radio cassette player or a box of matches and promptly return it, no one would even bat an eye and you will get the Distinction without problems!



After accumulating certain amounts of Thefts Distinctions the following titles will be unlocked:

  • 10× = Tea Leaf
  • 30× = Artful Dodger
  • 40× = Chiseler
  • 50× = Ali Baba
  • 75× = Rusty Ryan
  • 100× = Danny Ocean
  • 500× = Master Thief
  • 1000× = Cleptomaniac
  • 2000× = Your home is my home


  • The distinction will be awarded after death.
  • When the town is in Chaos, stealing is unlimited. This can be utilised between two players to indefinitely earn this distinction.
    • Citizen A stores as many items as possible in their chest, then waits outside the town gates. Citizen B then steals all items, leaves them in his chest, and waits outside the town gates. Citizen A then returns to town and steals every item back, and waits outside the town gates. The process can then be repeated as many times as desired.
  • If the Green Imp Suit or the Foul-smelling Vintage Suit is in the thief's inventory, the thief will earn the distinction The leprechaun got you good respectively Father Christmas is a little sh*t instead of Thefts.