Covert Concierge

From MHWiki
[v·e] Covert Concierge
The number of doors you've unlocked while exploring ruins.
Category Distinctions
Sub Category Rare distinctions
Ouverture de porte
Geöffnete Tür
Apertura de puertas

Since you don't really have the tools or time to break down doors with force in explorable ruins, you'll have to forge a key. On the plus side, unlocking a door gives you this rare Distinction.



After accumulating certain amounts of Covert Concierge Distinctions the following titles will be unlocked:

  • 1× = Key hee hee!
  • 5× = How about some Chubb-ly?
  • 10× = Sesame, shift your A...
  • 15× = Deadbolt Dick
  • 20× = Gentleman Robber
  • 30× = Captain Hook
  • 50× = Shim Surgeon
  • 100× = Grand Key Master


  • The distinction will be awarded after death.
  • Taking the imprints and converting the blanks does not give the distinction.