Beginner's Guide

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Here is a simple guide of what to do, what not to do, and an idea of your daily routine that should be done before making any other decisions.

Daily Routine[edit]

  1. Head to the Watchtower if it is built (in the menu below your house, town bank, and gates) and select the option to "scan the surroundings". This helps the Town estimate an accurate magnitude of tonight's attack. Getting an early idea of how many zombies will be attacking the town will give the town more time to plan out their day.
  2. Check the Town Forums: here you can read and discuss what the other players are doing. Doing this will give you an idea of what YOU can do to help, whether it be head to the Construction Sites to help build, or go out into the World Beyond Scavenging for resources.
  3. Take your daily ration of water at The Well. This is essential for survival, don't drink for three days, and you die. If you haven't noticed, this applies to real life as well!
    1. Some towns will discuss rationing water, a strategy in which everyone only drinks if they are Thirsty, so they do not become Dehydrated!.
    2. If you do not need to drink that day, fetch your Water Ration and put it in The Bank; it can be used for Constructions later. If the Pump has been built, you can also take a second ration of water.

Decision Making[edit]

  1. Golden Rule number 2: when in doubt, ask. Never hesitate to ask. When nobody answers you, try to find the answer using this wiki.
    1. Golden Rule number 1 is: always have doubt unless you know what you're doing.
  2. If you haven't already, read the posts on the Forums, then base your plan off what the town wants people to do.
    1. If the town has enough defense for the night, head outside into the World Beyond to scavenge for resources. See Tutorial:Exploring first so you don't get injured, trapped or killed.
    2. If the town has sufficient resources and is demanding work at the Construction Sites, you're more or less in luck: head over there and build the building the town has instructed you to build, nothing else.
    3. If the town asks you to do certain tasks at the Workshop (such as dismantle objects or create Wrought Iron and Twisted Plank), go do it, but only create Wrought Iron from Scrap Metal, and Twisted Plank from Rotting Log, NEVER downgrade a Metal Support or Patchwork Beam into those. It is a waste of .
  3. Vote for the project of the day, but as late as possible. The daily project can upgrade one upgradable building a day for free, only requiring the players to vote for it once every day. Since only one building can be upgraded a day, it is important to know what the town wants, then vote. There is no harm in waiting.

Other Tips[edit]

  1. Do not combine items just because you can.
    1. Items like Box of Matches and a Rotting Log can be combined to make a Torch, which are not to be used unless the town is desperate.
    2. Never combine two Pharmaceutical Products together, as a Hero can build Home Laboratory to get much better results out of them than manual assembly. Unless the town has no labs or heroes, never touch them.
    3. If you see a Radio Cassette Player (no battery), do not use a Battery to power it unless the radio is needed for a construction, the Battery has many other uses.
    4. If you see a Plastic Bag, do not use a Water Ration to make a Water Bomb, because the Water Ration may be better used elsewhere.
    5. The list goes on and on. See all combinations here.
  2. Do not consume alcohol if you plan on leaving the town.
    1. First of all, you shouldn't be drinking alcohol in the first place: alcohol should be saved for emergencies. Vodka Marinostov is also used in constructing the Architect's Study, a building of extreme usefulness, so don't even think of touching it unless the building has already been built.
    2. Being Drunk significantly reduces your ability to scavenge. If you use any of the alcoholic items, use your on construction or in the workshop.
  3. If surrounded by zombies out in the World Beyond, do not run away or panic; if possible, do nothing. Zombies are incredibly patient until the in-game clock reaches midnight (displayed on the top right of the browser banner), so you're safe until then. Head over to read this tutorial instead.
    1. Running will always result in an injury. A Bandage is rare, and without getting healed, you will develop an Infection, and then, likely, die. Being Wounded is serious because it will lower your maximum to 5, as well as having another random, undesirable effect.
  4. Do not build a Hovel during the first few days unless the town calls for it.
    1. This costs 6 , and may get you shunned, depending on how extreme your community happens to be.
  5. Point people to the wiki.
    1. If you haven't noticed yet, it's a treasure trove of knowledge that everyone can benefit from.
  6. Get the whole town to use one of the external map applications.
    1. This will help you plan your scavenging routes easier, as it tells you how many zombies are in any zone and what items there are. Remember to update it whenever you go scavenging every time you're about to leave a square.
    2. The effects are much more significant when the whole town collaborates together to draw the map.