Water Bomb

From MHWiki
[v·e] 51Water Bomb
Throw it at a zombie and hope it bursts. Then wait for it to burst again.
Sub CategoryArmoury
Dumpableas weapon
Weaponkills 2–4
leaves behind
Guard Weapon8
leaves behind
Bombe à eau
Globo de agua
Revised for Season 17

Instructions: Take the bag, fill it with water, tie it, throw it at zombies. The manufacturer does not provide any guarantee.



  • Attacking with it kills 2–4 Zombies.
  • After attacking it disappears.


v · e Items
Resources Bag of Damp Grass • Battery • Belt • Broken Electronic Device • Broken Staff • Compact detonator • Convex Lens • Copper Pipe • Duct Tape • Earplugs • Electronic component • Empty Oil Can • Handful of nuts and bolts • Laser Diode • Mechanism • Metal Support • Patchwork Beam • Rotting Log • Scrap Metal • Semtex • Telescope • Twisted Plank • Wire Reel • Wrought Iron
Furniture Anti-personnel HiFi • Assault Rifle (unloaded) • Bedside Lamp (on) () • Beer Fridge • Best of The King CD • Box of Fireworks • Boxes • Britney Spears CD • Cafetière • Carcinogenic Oven • Carved Soft Pumpkin (Halloween Event) • Chuck Figurine • Crow garland (Christmas Event) • Cursed Cuddly Toy • Cursed HiFi • Doormat • Ektorp-Gluten Chair • Empty Vending Machine • Fat Cat • Firework Launch Tube • Furious Kitten (partially digested) • Hanging Crow garland (Christmas Event) • Hastily-built Desk • Impersonal Exploding Doormat • Iron Chest • Makeshift Barricade • Makeshift Guitar • Mini HiFi (on) () • Novelty Torch (2 charges) () • Old Washing Machine • Padlock and Chain • PC Base Unit • Persian Rug • Phil Collins CD • Quality Log • Radio Cassette Player • Revolver (unloaded) • Rock 'n' Roll HiFi • Rocking Chair • Super-Fuzz Powder • Teddy Bear • Wad of Cash • Wire Mesh
Armoury Adjustable Spanner • Aqua-Splash (5 shots) () • Battery Launcher 1-ITF (loaded) () • Battery Launcher Mk. II (loaded) () • Box Cutter • Broken Human Bone • Burning Laser Pointer (4 charges) () • Burnt out Torch • Can Opener • Chainsaw (loaded) () • Claymore Mine • Collector Pins • Devastator (loaded) () • Electric Whisk (loaded) () • Exploding Grapefruit • Exploding Water Bomb • Jerrycan Gun (ready) () • Kalashni-Splash () • Lawnmower • Machete • Mobile Phone • Pathetic Penknife • Plastic Bag • Plastic Bag and Semtex • Primitive Hurling Stick (St. Patrick's Event) • Retro Overhead Projector • Rusty Chain • Screwdriver • Serrated Knife • Staff • Stake Launcher • Swiss Army Knife • Taser () • Water Bomb • Water Pistol (3 shots) ()
Containers and Boxes Architect's Chest • Box of Games • Cello case • Christmas Present () (Christmas Event) • Citizen's Welcome Pack • Construction Kit () • Envelope • Gift Parcel • Large Gift Parcel • Large Metal Chest • Lunch Box • Manbag • Metal Chest • Parcel • Safe • Schrödinger's Box • Sealed Architect's Chest • Shopping Trolley • Shrewd Citizen's Stash • Toolbox • Ultra-Rucksack • Utility Belt
Defences Car Door • Guard Dog • Järpen Table • Lit Pumpkin (Halloween Event) • Mangy Dachshund • Mattress • Old Door • Sheet Metal • Solid Wooden Board • Torch • Trestle • Unshaped Concrete Blocks
Pharmacy Anabolic Steroids () • Bandage • Betapropine 5mg (Private Towns) • Betapropine 5mg (expired) • Black Neck Ooze (April 1st Event) • Bloody Dressing (Private Towns) • Cyanide • First Aid Kit • Ghoul Vaccine • Hydratone 100mg • Little Book of Calm • LSD • Paracetoid 7g • Pharmaceutical Products • Thick Solution • Twinoid 500mg • Unlabelled Drug • Valium Shot • Water Purifying Tablets
Food "Wake The Dead" • Apple • Bloody Hot Coffee • Bottle Opener Instant Blank • Bump Key Instant Blank • Burnt Marshmallows • Can • Chinese Noodles • Chocolate log (Christmas Event) • Christmas Candy (Christmas Event) • Crow elf (Christmas Event) • Dodgy Homemade Dish • Doggy Bag • Dried Chewing Gum • Dried Marshmallows • Egg • Ergot Fungus • Ergot Homebrew • Fleshroom Puree () • Food Parcel • Half-eaten Chicken Wings • Handful of Sweets • Human Flesh • Impressive Pumpkin • Intestine Melon • Magnetic Key Instant Blank • Meaty Bone • Mouldy Ham Sandwich • Mouldy Neapolitan • Mug of lukewarm liquid • Mystic Potion • Open Can () • Out-of-Date Biscuits • Packet of Soft Crisps • Purified Stagnant Water • Quantum Energy • Rancid Jaffa Cakes • Sandy Pretzel • Sawdust Steak • Spicy Chinese Noodles • Stale Tart • Sticky Pint (St. Patrick's Event) • Suspicious looking plum juice (Christmas Event) • Suspicious-looking Vegetable () • Tasty Homemade Dish • Tasty-looking Steak • Traveller's Corpse • Unspecified Meat • Vodka Marinostov • Water Cooler Bottle (3 rations) () • Water Ration ()
Miscellaneous « Pine Fresh » Smoke Bomb • A letter with no address • Aqua-Splash (incomplete) • Bag of Cement • Banned Citizen's Note • Bicycle without handlebars • Bottle Opener • Bottle Opener Blank • Box of Matches • Bump Key • Bump Key Blank • Bunker Construction Blueprint (uncommon) () • Burst Soccer ball • Car Door (incomplete) • Chicken • Construction Blueprint (common) () • Corrosive Liquid • Crate Lid • Crushed Battery • Damaged Hacksaw • Devastator (incomplete) • Dice • Dismantled Mower • Dusty Book • Easter Egg (Easter Event) • Electric Whisk (incomplete) • EMS System (charged) () • Encyclopedia • Engine () • Fat Serpent • Festering Flesh • Flag • Flash Grenade • Flash Powder • Flatpacked Furniture • Fleshrooms • Foul-smelling Red Hat (Christmas Event) • Foul-smelling Vintage Suit (Christmas Event) • Full Jerrycan • Giant Rat • Gnawed Corpse • Green Imp Suit (St. Patrick's Event) • Grisly Bomb • Groundsheet • Hacksaw • Handful of Bullets (Admin Only) • Hospital Construction Blueprint (uncommon) () • Hotel Construction Blueprint (uncommon) () • Huge Snake (Ophiophagus trouser) • Illegible Notebook • Incomplete Cafetière • Incomplete Chainsaw • Incomplete Deck of Cards • Instruction Manual • Jerrycan Gun (unattached) • Kwik-Fix • Label • Lost Soul • Magnetic Key • Magnetic Key Blank • Mountain bike • Ness-Quick Weedkiller • Opened packet of Cigarettes • Photo Album • Pocket Vibrator (charged) () • Pound of Flesh • Powerful Soul (Private Towns) • Psychadelic Spiritual Counsel • PUTA Mark II Calibrator • Radio Cassette Player (no battery) • Radius Mark II () • Radius Radar Beacon • Repair Kit () • Ripped Red Trousers (Christmas Event) • Sand Ball (Christmas Event) • Santa's Reindeer (Christmas Event) • Screaming Alarm Clock (3 charges) () • Scroll • Second-hand Red Coat (Christmas Event) • Sheet Metal (parts) • Sheet of Plywood • Soccer ball • Soft Pumpkin (Halloween Event) • Spy Flare • Stack of Papers • Stagnant Water Can • Sticky Pastry Ball • Stinking Pig • Strong Spices • Tool Bag • Tortured Soul • Toxin • Unrecognisable Remains • Vial of Poison • Water Cooler Bottle (empty) • Weak Soul (Private Towns) • Wonky Shopping Trolley • Worn Leather Bag • Worn-out sports shoes