Abandoned Bunker

From MHWiki
[v·d·e] 100 Abandoned Bunker
Bunkers are old refuges built by the military to contain the pandemic. If the soldiers at the time were still human, they would surely have advised their officers against trying to "educate" the first carriers of the virus.
Category Ruins
Sub Category Explorable ruins
Spawn Distance 5 - 28 km
Camping Base Value 10 %
Camping Spots 4
Bunker abandonné

Room interior.

The Abandoned Bunker is one of the Ruins in the World Beyond.
It is an Explorable Ruin; items like the Explorable Ruins Blueprints can be obtained by entering it and searching rooms.


Unlockable Buildings by Bunker Blueprints[edit]

Bunker Construction Blueprint (uncommon) Bunker Construction Blueprint (rare) Bunker Construction Blueprint (very rare!)