Water Ration (poisoned)

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[v·e] 222 Water Ration (poisoned)
Drinking your water ration will quench your thirst when you're in the World Beyond. This will refresh you, and more importantly, your action points once per day.
Category Items
Sub Category Food
When used
gives status
Ration d'eau
Ration Wasser
Ración de agua


You have assembled Water Ration by combining Vial of Poison and Water Ration. --- Warning! You have poisoned the Water Ration! It is now almost impossible to distinguish from a safe one, so be careful... It's up to you to do with it what you feel is "fair".'



The following ways can be used to distinguish between poisoned water rations and non-poisoned ones.

  • Poisoned water rations cannot:
    • stack with normal rations,
    • water corpses,
    • be used in water guns,
    • be used in water balloon
    • be put back into the well,
    • be put into a Water Cooler,
    • be used in any construction site requiring water,
    • be drunk by a player on escort,
    • be combined with poison (duh!),
    • be combined with cement bags to produce concrete,
    • be combined with Chinese noodles and spices to produce spicy noodles (who does that anyway?).
    • be used to make Mystic Potion
  • In Season 16:
    • No changes