Motel 666 Dusk

From MHWiki
[v·e] 51 Motel 666 Dusk
You ask yourself what kind of person would enjoy spending a night in a shabby hole like this motel. No doubt some sleazy sales rep whose dodgy past will catch up with him sooner or later. I really must check out room 215, you think to yourself, without really knowing why.
Category Ruins
Sub Category Campable ruins
Spawn Distance 12 - 15 km
Camping Base Value 10 %
Camping Spots 5
Motel « Dusk »

The Motel 666 Dusk is one of the Ruins in the World Beyond.
Specific items can be obtained by simply exploring it and a Blueprint will be found after first successful Camping on this ruin.



The name and description are a reference to the Nintendo DS game Hotel Dusk:Room 215