Broken Human Bone

From MHWiki
[v·e] 158 Broken Human Bone
A dried bone (a tibia by the looks of it) which it seems that someone has been chewing recently... it should still be useful.
Category Items
Sub Category Armoury
Weaponkills 1
leaves behind
Guard Weapon5
leaves behind
Os humain fêlé
Angeknackster menschlicher Knochen
Hueso humano

It's more of a Broken Human's bone, not really broken, just a little bit deformed. Someone or something carefully nibbled it. Now it looks like part of a crankshaft (what a stupid association).



  • Attacking with it kills 1 Zombie.
  • After attacking there is a 80 % chance that it is Broken... and has to be Repaired.


  • The item was renamed to "Human Bone" briefly, presumably to avoid confusion with the item status Broken... When using the phrase "Broken Human Bone" it is unclear whether the bone is simply being referred to by its full name or possesses the broken status, the full phrase "Broken Broken Human Bone" being awkward to use. It was changed back to "Broken Human Bone" shortly afterwards for an unknown reason.
  • In Season 11:
    • Watchmen points provided decreased from 15 to 10.
  • In Season 16:
    • No changes