Ektorp-Gluten Chair

From MHWiki
[v·e] 128 Ektorp-Gluten Chair
A fairly normal chair, with a particularly brutal sounding Swedish name. You could hit people with it, but it works far better for the task it was designed for. Send it home Happy... send it home.
Heavy object
Category Items
Sub Category Furniture
Home decoration2
Weaponkills 1
leaves behind
Guard Weapon10
leaves behind

You're not going to be doing much sitting around when you could be protecting yourself from the zombies. Still, a little rest never hurt anybody... and if worst comes to worst, this chair looks like it might be painful if you were hit on the head with it.



  • Attacking with it has a 50 % success rate of killing 1 Zombie.
  • After attacking there is a 50 % chance that it is Broken... and has to be Repaired.
