
From MHWiki

This page contains the following metadata:

  • ID (id) - 1182
  • Name (name) - Battlements
  • Image (image) - (small_round_path.gif)
  • Category (category) - Buildings
  • Subcategory (subcategory) - Watchtower buildings
  • Blurb (blurb) - Are you sick of standing in the dust drenched in zombie guts? Tired of tripping over the severed limbs of the zeds you took out? Maybe it's time to rise above the apocalypse and survey the hordes from on high. The construction of the Battlements will allow you to stand watch over the town at night, while getting a little closer to heaven.
  • Foreign data:
    • French link (french) - Chemin de ronde
    • German translation (german) - German translation unknown
    • Spanish translation (spanish) - Spanish translation unknown

Building specific data

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