Buried building

From MHWiki
[v·e] -1 Buried building
The zone is completely covered with rotting vegetation, sand and all manner of debris. You are certain that there is something hidden here, but the whole sector needs to be cleared before it can be searched properly...
Category Ruins
Sub Category Buried ruins
Spawn Distance 1 - 28 km
Camping Base Value 15 %
Camping Spots 0–3
Bâtiment non-déterré

Buried buildings are Ruins in the World Beyond covered with Debris heaps. After removing all heaps the ruin underneath will be revealed.


Removing Debris[edit]

  • The Debris heaps can be removed by using 1 per heap or with Ness-Quick Weedkiller (2–3 heaps). The second option is the one to be preferred because it does not cost any .
You have uncovered some of the sector, but there is still a substantial amount of debris blocking the way...
Congratulations, the zone has been completely uncovered! You can now start to search for items in the: (Ruin)!


Camping on Buried buildings is easier than on normal zones (15% base survival chance compared to -25% for normal zones), but there are limitations.

  • As long as the Ruin is covered, no Blueprint can be obtained.
  • The camping spots for Citizens depend on the amount of remaining Debris heaps:
    • 1–2 : 0
    • 3–5 : 1
    • 6–8 : 2
    • 9 and more : 3
  • With 1 or 2 Debris heaps remaining, no spot is available, so in that case the zone is counted as a normal zone for Camping (decreases to -25% base survival chance).