Exploring Guide

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Scavenging Guide[edit]

Scavenging guide thanks to OmniSzron

1. Search every zone you enter.

Explanation: searching zones doesn't cost any action points, so there is no downside to searching.

2. Update the map (both in-game and offsite) before you leave any zone.

Check your town's forum to see which map is favored by the majority of the townspeople. You can also use browser plugins to update multiple maps at once. A well updated map can save people's lives and action points, because people will know where to go and what to expect at any given zone.

Tip: If you can't get the map to work, make sure you have external applications enabled in your Die2Nite profile. Go to Your Soul -> Settings. Make sure the "Authorise external applications" box is checked. Now, log in at the external map application. It will redirect you to the Die2Nite log-in screen where you use your regular D2N credentials.

3. Always mark a zone as depleted if it's depleted. If a building is depleted, make sure to mark it on the external map.

Explanation: once a zone is searched a sufficient number of times it will deplete. Depleted zones will basically yield only Rotten Logs and Scrap Metal, which are very poor quality items. That's why it's important to let other people know that they won't find any quality items in a particular zone. To do this, just use the Zone Marker drop-down menu and choose "Depleted zone". This information will be automatically carried over to the external map.

Buildings can be depleted (and replenished) independently from the zone they're situated in. If a building is depleted, it will show the following message when you try to search it: "After a sneaky scout around the building, you are sure there is nothing left to recover. Shame...". If that's the case, use the external map to mark the building as depleted (it will be displayed with a big red cross mark over it from then on).

4. Try to spend a lot of time auto-searching outside. Don't auto-search near the town (up to 3 km) or in depleted areas.

Explanation: auto-searching is a mechanic that allows you to leave your character in a zone on the map to perform a search of the zone every two hours. You don't need to be online for auto-search to work, so it's a good idea to leave your character auto-searching before you go to bed or school/work. But be wary where you leave your character. The areas near the town get a lot of traffic from other players. Every person coming through a zone can search it, so the ones in close proximity to the town get depleted very quickly. Auto-searching a depleted zone will only yield low quality items.

5. Drop found items on the ground while moving away from the town.

Explanation: your rucksack has limited space for items. If you fill it with items while going away from town, you will reach a point where no more can fit in it. You will be forced to drop some of the items on the ground. The problem is, you can be really far away from town when this happens. If you had left them on the ground earlier, they would be lying much closer to town, allowing other scavengers to bring them in (and use less action points to do it). Of course, once you're on your way back to town, fill your rucksack with everything you can find.

6. Always plan your route before leaving town. Try to move in groups.

Explanation: good planning can save you a lot of action points. Make sure you have enough food/water to get to where you're going and back. Check with the external map for zombies, zone depletion and items. If you move in groups you can enter zones with more than 2 zombies and deplete them faster.

7. Try to haul in at least one heavy defensive item per day.

Explanation: You have one slot in your rucksack for heavy items. Use it wisely. The absolute best use for your heavy slot are defensive items (i.e.: Mattress, Sheet Metal, Door, Concrete, etc.). They are super-valuable and can give up to 8 :gard: for the town later in the game.

8. If you're trapped don't run away from zombies and don't fight them with your bare hands. Send a distress call on the forums.

Explanation: you got yourself trapped by zombies, haven't you? Well, it happens. The worst things you could do now are trying to run away (this will get you injured, which will reduce your maximum action points, give you an infection the next day and probably kill you in two days) and trying to fight the zombies with your bare hands (this action costs an action point and has a very low chance of success). Remain calm and send a distress call on your town's forum. Make sure to check the "This message is a call for help" box before posting it.

Another Guide[edit]

This page has automatically been added to the to do category for the following reason: Tidy up and finalize, some info still missing. The page was tagged by: --Mazt 18:13, 31 August 2011 (PDT)

It's time to go Exploring! As dangerous as it may be, you're going to have to leave the town at some point. To leave the town, Just go to the Town Gates and choose to Go into the World Beyond. You have to have in order to do this, but it does not cost any to actually enter or exit the Town.

Once you're outside, you have to start moving. The World Beyond is set up like a grid, with each square representing a zone on the map. You can move up, down, left, or right from zone to zone, but not diagonally. Each zone is given a coordinate pair based on it's position relative to the town. This means that no matter where the town is placed on the map, that zone is considered the origin of the grid (or 0,0). It costs 1 to move one square, so to reach zone 3,2 would cost 5 if traveled to directly.

If you plan on returning to the Town, make sure you have enough to get back! It's extremely important to plan out your route before you leave town, to avoid running into trouble. If you run out of before you reach town, someone else will have to bring you an replenisher (like food, water, or drugs). If you are not rescued and back in town by the end of the day (23:00 game time), you will die. To be saved, you'll have to start a thread on the Town Forums asking for help. Make sure you include:

  • The coordinates of the square you're on
  • What items you would like to replenish your AP (for example, if you have already eaten today, then someone bringing you food won't help)
  • If there are zombies in the zone, and if so, how many

Note: Make sure you flag it as a distress call by ticking the box underneath the message, so that it doesn't go unnoticed.

If nobody saves you, you can try Camping. If you camp, you have a chance of dying during the night, but if you survive, your will be replenished as normal, and you can move back to town. This should be used as a last ditch effort to survive, because without taking the to improve the zone, your chances of surviving are close to none.

Note: There is no auto-camp feature, so if you don't choose to camp, you will die for certain!

The other thing to watch out for in the World Beyond is zombies! If you enter a zone in which you don't have control, you become trapped. Control is determined by the balance of Control Points held by the humans and zombies. If you don't control the zone, your options are limited.

  • You are unable to search the area (but if you are in a zone with a building, you can still search it)
  • You can fight, with a weapon or with your fists. Fighting with a weapon doesn't cost any , although you must have in order to use some weapons. Fighting with your fists costs 1 and has a very low success rate, this is usually inadvisable.
Heroes have a special ability which can kill zombies at no cost!
  • Fleeing the zone will allow you to leave, but will cause you to become Wounded.

The best think to do is to call for help. Start a thread in the forums, and be sure to include:

  • How many zombies are in the zone with you
  • Whether or not you plan on returning to town, and if you have enough to do so
  • What time, if you are going offline, you will come back to the game

Note: Make sure to flag it as a distress call by ticking the box underneath the message, so that it doesn't go unnoticed.

If you are able to regain control of the sector, the zone is free to search and leave freely. If control is then lost (by someone leaving the zone), there's a thirty minute window in which you are free to leave the zone safely. If you can't escape the zombies, you can try your luck Camping. If you camp, you have a chance of dying during the night, but if you survive, it gives other citizens another day to come to your rescue. If you don't camp, you will die for certain. This should be a last ditch effort, as your chances of surviving with zombies in the zone are slim unless you are a Scout.

The most important rule of exploring is to be back in town before the gates are closed! If you try to return close to the attack time, you run the risk of being locked out. Make sure to either come inside early or let everyone know on the Town Forums if you are going to return.