Data:Army Outpost

From MHWiki

This page contains the following metadata:

  • ID (id) - 55
  • Name (name) - Army Outpost
  • Image (image) - (ruin_55.gif)
  • Category (category) - Ruins
  • Subcategory (subcategory) - Campable ruins
  • Blurb (blurb) - The soldiers stationed here were prepared for anything : weapons, supplies, and a 150m security perimeter. Anything except their lieutenant eating them during the night. Joking aside, with a solid wall and a healthy dictatorship, (from a survival point of view) there's nothing like it !
  • Foreign data:
    • French link (french) - Avant-poste militaire
    • German translation (german) - German translation unknown
    • Spanish translation (spanish) - Spanish translation unknown

Ruins specific data

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