
From MHWiki

I am the Sacred and Wise Majesty, the Holy Empress Colette (a.k.a. The Apple Tree Gatekeeper). That's all you need to know ;).

About me[edit]

Grumpy, rather crazy, obsessive and with a very weird sense of humor, but always willing to help :P.

I started playing in Season 3, quite a while ago. I wouldn't consider myself a veteran, though. Scavenging, building and occasionally stirring a bit of drama in town (sometimes with rather unfortunate consequences...). That's what I do. I'm also a fierce gatekeeper that doesn't like anyone touching the town's gates unless necessary.

I'm outspoken and I'm not afraid of saying what I think. However, I believe in civility and mutual respect. As long as you don't mess with me, I will not mess with you. Pretty simple, really.

I also enjoy RPing and writing stuff. English isn't my first language, so please don't mind the grammar mistakes I may have every now and then.

I like[edit]

  • Coordinated towns. A good town is like a well-tuned mechanism. All the parts move together at unison and do what they must do. Unfortunately, that kind of towns is so rare...
  • Getting Distinctions. And titles. But not all of them, some are rather disgusting >_>.
  • Closing the Gates. The gates are closed exactly five minutes before the attack, I don't care if you call me a "gates fascist", I'm just doing my job.
  • Labradoodles. Good and cute companions. And useful as well. Just don't smell them, please...
  • Quick justice. Get rid of the bad apples as soon as you can.
  • Being the town's Shawoman. I can see your soul...

I hate[edit]

  • Uncoordinated towns. If a coordinated town is like a well-tuned mechanism, an uncoordinated town is more like a pile of trash. It stinks and it will never go anywhere. It'll just rot out there until it eventually disappears.
  • Selfish, lazy and stupid people. The cancer of this game. They all should get hanged ASAP!
  • Arrogant jerks. People that think are better than you and really aren't. They should be more humble and listen to everyone.
  • Rude people. They are disgusting, really.
  • Griefers and cheaters. No comments.
  • Analyzing the game's mechanics. The game loses a lot of fun if you start analyzing all the math beneath it.

Other stuff[edit]

I like posting my complaints and rants at my Rantings page. Feel free to read and leave a polite comment in the Talk page.