Talk:External map

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What would happen if someone abuses the global complaints feature? Can we track the culprit? ----Miss B 09:12, 27 March 2012 (PDT)

Then the feature would be abused. The idea is that all players can choose to anonymously vote, and that consensus will show who's been naught and who's been nice. Maybe you can ask Rulesy if there's an anti-abuse system, or that if he plans to make one, although very unlikely. --Nickyh 15:24, 27 March 2012 (PDT)
LoremIpsum is the creator of the External Map, he is the one to contact about it. The app is, however, unused by a majority of the community, and I don't believe much work has been done on it recently. Mazt 12:17, 7 April 2012 (PDT)