Rationing Guide

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Water Rationing Guide[edit]

Quoted from source (with correction on "26AP part" and removing outdated info): http://www.die2nite.net/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=332#p3806

2 things tend to kill you in this here land (and, ironically, one helps kill the other...): Water & Zombies. So to help with the zombies dying2nite instead of you what is needed is Water Rationing by (town-agreed). Roles:

A pure builder drinks only every other day, on the day he wakes up thirsty, and ideally never eats. This is a good role for those who lack time for anything else. The most helpful builder (especially in the early days) is the one who will take one step out of town & autosearch up rotting logs & scrap metal all day before coming home to then build what the town has agreed to.

A short haul scavenger drinks every other day when thirsty. On days he drinks, he travels up to 16AP (use 2AP in town, move 4 then eat, move 6 then drink, then get 6 home). On days he doesn't, he only travels up to 10AP (2AP in town, move 4 then eat, then 6 home). This is the most useful role, so at least half the town needs to choose it.

If you're living in a strange town without enough builders then alternate these 2 roles depending on thirst: be a pure builder on the days you do not drink and a short haul scav. on the days you do.

A long haul scavenger is usually best reserved for the Heroes. Like the previous roles, a long hauler only drinks on days he's thirsty. A long hauler travels up to 20AP in a drinking day, 10AP when he doesn't drink. He takes drugs or booze to accomplish his 20AP trips.

If your town has a Zombie Zoo to tend then add in a couple of short and long haul Cleaner roles using the same rationing rules as short & long haul scavengers.

You might also have occasional extreme scavengers: when distant zones are replenished by the winds the town can agree on a few super special long haulers travelling up to 27AP to them on drinking days, accomplished with drugs. Walk 6 steps, eat 7 AP food, walk 7 steps. You are thirsty now. Take Twinoid now and walk another 8 steps. You did 21 steps- you are still thirsty, NOT dehydrated! Drink your water, and you´ll get home refreshed. If you start thirsty, you can only do 24 AP and will end thirsty, using the 16 AP routine and adding Twinoid/Steroids.

Pick a role and update your personal message with it (in your house under the improvements tab or at the bottom of the citizen's list) and say whether you will drink on even or odd days (using the days of your town's existence, not In-Real-Life days) to help with the Water Management.

Always remember: when you are thirsty, you can only walk 10 squares before you dehydrate.

Thirst guide[edit]

Note: The graph says Cyanide gives 10 . It is a very bad joke. You will die immediately if you ingest it.

See also[edit]