Map Guide for Forum Posting

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This is a tutorial that has been formatted for posting on the town's forums. Post it on day 1 to give newer players an idea of how to use the external maps.

Tutorials for Newbies[edit]

Step 1: Select everything below these instructions. Step 2: Copy and paste that into a new thread. Step 3: Title the thread something along the lines of "External Map Use". Bonus!: If you have the hero ability Mr. Writer, send a message to everyone to look at the thread.

Note: On the wiki, this guide shows up with tags. These will disappear once they're posted in your town's forum.

There are currently 3 usable external maps for you to use. You don't need to use them, but I [g]strongly recommend that you do [/g]- they help a lot.

These are: (in alphabetical order)

hordes_*: [lien=]Atlas[/lien]


hordes_fleche: Conveys all the information in one screen: no need to click on tabs!
hordes_fleche: Can export the map values into an excel spreadsheet.
hordes_fleche: Provides a direct link to the map updater in the map itself.[/cite]

hordes_*: [lien=]From Dusk till Dawn[/lien]


hordes_fleche: You can instantly mouse over citizens in the citizens overview to view their distinctions and soul points easily.
hordes_fleche: Allows you to move your zone co-ordinates using the arrow keys
hordes_fleche: Has a ruin map for explorable buildings.[/cite]
hordes_*: [lien=]Map viewer[/lien]


hordes_fleche:Ability to show every single item in every single zone.
hordes_fleche:Ability to select specific information on what you want to show in the zones through map options
hordes_fleche:Able to select which buildings you want to build in the construction sites. A simple text is given to you to copy-and-paste to the town forums to tell the others. The copy-and-paste text holds a lot of information.[/cite]

Currently I use the **From Dusk Till Dawn**, but you should try them all and see which one you like, and then use that.

Note: If nothing comes up when you click on the link, you have not authorised external applications.

To do that, go:

[cite][g]Your Soul[/g],


There, under [i]Your settings[/i], you should find: [g]Authorise external applications[/g].

[g]Tick [/g]that [g]box[/g].[/cite]

And you're clear! [g]Try it out again[/g], and you should be able to access all of them. [i]For most of the maps, you need to enter the key in, just copy and paste. If you don't like to do so, you can access the map through the :annu:directory, at the top left corner of the page, then you don't need to copy and paste the code.[/i]

After copying your code, be sure to [g]bookmark[/g] the page that appears after that for easy access!

These external maps have one main function - they give a [g]much more detailed map [/g]then the one given in the game. How does this work? They give the exact :hordes_zombie: count of the map and the exact item! (No more :hordes_sac: items! tag, and be unable to be specific)

But how do the apps know what is in that zone without you being in there? Well - they don't, actually. How they DO know is because [g]another citizen [/g]has passed by the zone and helpfully [g]updated the map for that zone[/g]. Hence you know the exact items and :hordes_zombie: count.

[g][i]Return the favour! [/i]Update [i]any [/i]zones you pass by as well![/g]

But... isn't it a chore to update all 3 maps? Well, luckily plugins have been provided to help you [g]update all of them at once[/g]! [cite]Here are the plugins:[/cite]

If you're using [g]Mozilla Firefox[/g]:

[rp]isaaclw provides a [g][lien=]Firefox plugin[/lien][/g] which makes it easy for you to update all five maps. You can update the maps by right-clicking the D2N page and clicking update maps.[/rp]

If you're using [g]Google Chrome[/g]:

[rp]There's an [g][lien=]awesome new Chrome extension[/lien] [/g]programmed by simast. The extension itself keeps your current zone synchronized with all five maps. No need to update the maps separately, actually no need to do anything as this extension does ALL the work.[/rp]

If you're using [g]Internet Explorer[/g]:

[rp]Get a new browser. Preferably [g][lien=]Mozilla Firefox[/lien][/g], as it is [g][lien=]one of the recommend browsers to be used for this game[/lien][/g]. Unfortunately, there is no plugin for Internet Explorer to update all three maps, and it is doubtful that there will ever be one.[/rp]

That's all! Oh, wait, before I go...

[rp][g]Greasemonkey Toolbox Script[/g]

You may download a [g][lien=]greasemonkey script[/lien][/g] to enhance your D2N experience while scavenging in the desert. The script displays various stats directly in D2N (normally not available while out of town)[/rp]

Have fun! [g]Happy updating[/g]! Remember, from the notable quotes thread:

[cite]I couldn't care less if you hate God, Jesus and Christians as long as you [g][i]update the map![/i][/g][/cite]

tl;dr version:

Use [lien=]From Dusk Till Dawn[/lien] as an [g]external map [/g]to know [g]more info [/g]about the [g]World Beyond[/g]! To access it, you will need to know a [g][i]special code[/i][/g], obtained by going to [i]Your Soul [/i]:fleche: [i]Settings [/i]:fleche: and [g]ticking [/g]the box next to [i]Authorise external applications[/i]. [g]Copy [/g]the code that appears into the website obtained above. To [g]update [/g]them, if you're using Firefox, download [lien=]this[/lien], if you're using Chrome, download [lien=]this[/lien].

Spread the word! You can find the map guide, filled with Die2Nite bold, italic codes on the [lien=]wiki[/lien], [lien=]here[/lien]!

The map guide will also be updated from time to time in the wiki.

Stop here! For Hardcore Towns...[edit]

For hardcore towns, you might want to post this instead, or post both:

Ok. So, these are the HARDCORE towns.

And as everyone knows, in a hardcore town,

[rp]:hordes_*: 23h00 (server time) assaults inflict damage on the town's buildings which will need to be repaired regularly,

:hordes_*: Defensive constructions are less effective when they are damaged

:hordes_*: Defensive objects in the bank can be destroyed during the attack

:hordes_*: The chances of survival while camping are reduced,

:hordes_*: The chances of dying from an infection at 23h00 (server time) are 75%,

:hordes_*: Initial water reserves are inferior to those of normal towns,

[g][i]:hordes_*: The functionality of some external sites in the directory is restricted,[/i][/g]

:hordes_*: The Last Man Standing will receive twice as many hero days as well as an additional reward!

:hordes_*: The chances of wounding someone with the assault command are high.[/rp]

What these means is that now, in our XML feed, instead of telling the external sites (like D2D) what the items in our zone is, now it tells the external sites NOTHING.


:hordes_fleche:Updating the zone will NO LONGER WORK;

:hordes_fleche:Plugins can no longer be utilized

:hordes_fleche:Every single zone requires updating by hand.