General tips and Day 1 Guide/forum

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This guide has been formatted so that you can copy and paste it into your town's forum. Any tags you see on this wiki page won't appear in the town's forum. Start a new thread, then paste this in it.

Also, see Map and Day 2 Guide.

Quick Guide[edit]

[cite]Quick Guide thanks to Axiin[/cite]

Hello, citizen.

This is a guide on how to not kill yourself in the harsh world of Die2Nite. If this is your first or second time playing, [i]read this[/i]. It will list the common [i]fatal [/i]mistakes that new players often make.

This isn't so much as a guide rather than a warning. If you don't understand how something works, or why it works that way, [i]ask[/i].

[g]Surefire things that will get you Killed:[/g]

Aimlessly wandering in the desert and getting exhausted.

Aimlessly wandering in the desert and getting trapped by three zombies.

Realizing you just got trapped by three zombies because you were aimlessly wandering, and trying to run.

Finding a meaty bone or gnawed corpse on the ground, and eating it.

Turning into a Ghoul. (they usually get to eat one player then quickly get hunted down and die.)

[g]Surefire things that will get you Hated:[/g]

Holding defensive items in your house instead of the bank.

Holding building materials in your house instead of the bank.

Using drugs because you want more AP.

Repeatedly getting trapped by zombies.

Building hovels. That's 6 :ap: that could have gone to scavenging or building.

Clicking the "build" button just because you see it.

Combining items just because you can.

Not talking on the town forum.

Not spelling correctly.

Thank you for your time. This is just a quick guide and as of such, if you want to know the reasons why these are the way they are... [i]ask[/i]. Someone in the town will explain.

Not-So-Quick Guide[edit]

[cite]Not-so-Quick Guide but talks about the more less newbie stuff thanks to DeadTerrorist[/cite]

[g]Welcome to the desert, citizen![/g]

You're a smart one. When every one else decided to hole up in the local community centers, packing themselves in the tasty, orderly fashion of a Chinese buffet, you made a break for it.

Of course, these are not greener pastures. If you were hoping for a zombie-free paradise, you came to the wrong place. We have just as many brain munchers out here as we have grains of sand.

You want to live in town, sure, you can do it. But we have rules out here. This ain't no beach holiday extravaganza.

So, listen up. Learn. Otherwise, you're just the next item on the menu in these parts.

And I'm not just talking about the Z's.

[g]Be a Player, Not a Hater[/g]

Rules. They're important, not just to your survival, but to everyone here in town. Some people aren't going to follow them, certainly.

We'll deal with them. Harshly.

Let's get you some education.

White Picket Fences Kill - Check your town's forum to see what the majority opinion is for your house upgrades. Some towns don't mind tents, while others would rather those :ap: go into town constructions, instead. Different strategies for different folk; however, you'll want to stay on the good side of the town majority, so pay attention and make your choice carefully.

Do not build a hovel, especially your first day in town. That's extra :ap: ... and will quickly get your name on the Bad Karma list.

[g]Reading is Fundamental [/g]- The forums exist for a reason: Communication! Read them, take part in the discussions, learn from the experienced survivors and test your opinions in the waters of the community. The better the citizens talk amongst one another, the better the chances of the town's survival.

[g]Dig in the Dirt [/g]- This is vital when scavenging for items we can use. Pick a spot on the map, go there, search and, most importantly, stay! Once you search, you will go into an autosearch mode. This means you will search the zone once every two hours. It's an incredibly efficient method for finding materials and will use much less :ap: than wandering aimlessly around the desert. Turn on escort mode if there are Hero players in the game.

[g]Daily Subscriptions Available [/g]- Regardless of what else the town is doing, there are two actions you should take each and every day.

First, go to the Watchtower and help estimate the size of approaching horde. This will help the town determine how best to build defenses and prepare to survive the night. This should be the first thing you do, even before snagging a ration from the well.

Second, vote on upgrades. Some buildings just get better and better if you take some time with them. However, do not vote too early. The town may have a construction in progress that will need an upgrade. If you vote early on a different project, you could muck up the plans. Save your vote for the end of the day to maximize the benefits.

[g]Zen and the Art of Team Maintenance[/g]

So, you know some basic rules to help you and your community have a good chance at surviving the next midnight snack attack; however, there are some other suggestions that could make your stay here more enjoyable.

To All Good Things[/g]

Well, citizen, you now have a bit of knowledge to pack into that zombie treat rattling around in your skull. There's plenty more to learn, but you're going to learn it best by getting your hands dirty. You know enough now to keep on the right track, enough to keep you from being the next stop on the Chew Chew Brain Midnight Express.

Now, just keep it all in mind and keep your mind all in your head and you'll find some good success out here in the sun.

Off you go, now. Grab some water, get a little grub and remember to be in bed before 2300.

Do's and Dont's guide[edit]

[g]Dos and Dont's thanks to Odeon[/g]

[rp]DO:[/rp] [g]READ THE TOWN FORUMS. [/g]Unsure about something? Ask on the town forums.

[g]BUILD A WORKSHOP ON DAY 1.[/g] It's extremely important so don't waste AP on other buildings on Day 1. Other important Day 1 buildings: Watchtower and Portal Lock

[g]ASK BEFORE CONSTRUCTING SOMETHING IN THE BANK. [/g]The town could need that object for something very important!

[g]VOTE FOR A PROJECT EVERY DAY. [/g]Preferably near the end of the day when a few projects have been completed.

[g]PUT DEFENSE OBJECTS IN THE BANK. [/g]They will provide the town with 2 defense if they are in the Bank instead of just 1 from your Home.

[g]SCAN THE WATCHTOWER EVERY DAY. [/g]It helps estimate the number of zombies that will be attacking that night and doesn't cost any AP.

[g]MAKE SURE 'MARK' AND 'GLOBAL' ARE CHECKED ON THE MAP BEFORE YOU LEAVE TOWN [/g]so you know where to search and where all the zombies are.

[g]USE MAP MARKERS [/g]to tell the rest of the town if an area has zombies or is depleted.

[g]USE AUTOSEARCH WHEN SCAVENGING OUTSIDE. [/g]You can sit there every 2 hours and potentially find resources without spending AP. This saves AP and prevents you from wandering too far and getting trapped. Autosearch works even when the zone is depleted.

[rp]DON'T:[/rp] [g]DON'T BUILD A SHACK [/g]until the community decides to allow it. There are CRUCIAL buildings we need to use those first few planks for.

[g]DON'T STAY OUTSIDE PAST 22:40. [/g]Most towns will close and lock the gates before then.

[g]DON'T PANIC! [/g]Trapped in a zone with Zombies? Ask for help on the forums if you are trapped outside.

[g]DON'T FLEE FROM ZOMBIES! [/g]You will ALWAYS get WOUNDED which leads to an INFECTION and eventually DEATH. Wounds and infections are hard to cure because the bandages and drugs needed to heal you are hard to come by.

[g]DON'T USE DRUGS FOR NO REASON. [/g]A Pharmaceutical Product has to be combined with another Pharmaceutical Product in order to create a usable drug. It's better to save drugs for emergencies like when you absolutely need the extra AP to help finish a construction/save someone/etc. If you use drugs more than once a day, you will become addicted. Once you're addicted, you require at least 1 dose of drugs every day or you will die. Not only are you are signing your own death warrant by getting addicted, you're also wasting the town's limited drug supplies.

[g]DON'T EAT OR DRINK WHEN YOU HAVE MORE THAN 0 AP. [/g]They fill you back up to 6, and good foods put you at 7, but if you're at 0 or 5, you'll still only go up to 6. You should be getting 18AP every day this way. If you have the option of eating or drinking first, always eat first. Drinking water should be the last "AP refill" of the day.

[g]DON'T EAT MEATY BONES OR HUMAN FLESH. [/g]You will probably get INFECTED. Also, we can use them later to make lures!

[g]DON'T ENTER UNEXPLORED TILES UNLESS YOU ARE ONE OF THE FIRST FEW TO VENTURE OUTSIDE FOR THE DAY. [/g]If there are undepleted zones, stay there and autosearch. Remember to log in and go back to town before the gate closes. YOU WILL GET LOST AND DRAIN OUR RESOURCES in rescue attempts if you decide to waste your AP running around the desert when there are open, safe, and plump squares for salvaging.

[g]DON'T OPEN OR CLOSE THE GATE UNLESS YOU VOLUNTEERED ON THE TOWN FORUMS TO BE A GATEKEEPER.[/g] If it's a new day, feel free to open the gate if you're the first one out the door.

[g]DON'T RUN OFF TO A FAR CORNER OF THE MAP. [/g]Stay within a few tiles and we can help you if you run into trouble!

[g]DON'T TRY TO USE HEROIC ACTIONS AS A RESIDENT. [/g]The magical teleport won't save you unless you're a Hero.

[g]DON'T FIGHT ZOMBIES WITHOUT A WEAPON.[/g] Unless you are extremely lucky, you will never land a hit and waste AP.

[g]DON'T ATTEMPT TO USE THE 'EMS'. [/g]It will wound you.

[g]DON'T CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY DEFENSES[/g] unless there is nothing else you can build to defend your town. They might seem tempting with their low resource and AP cost, but they only last the night and can often waste precious resources, like nuts & bolts.

[rp]General hints and tips[/rp]

[g]Do upgrade your home to Tent[/g]. It's 2 APs without material cost.

[g]Do NOT[/g] build Piston Lock!

[g]If you get stuck in a square with Zombies (zeds[/g]): - post a call for help on the forum - do NOT flee (you'll to end up wounded) - do NOT fight unarmed (you'll end up wounded) - wait for another player to come help you get control of the zone and then all can leave within 30 minutes - communicate

[g]If you get wounded[/g], you need bandages. They are rare.

[g]If you get infected [/g]you need Paracetoid 7g - very, very rare.

If you are wounded AND infected you need BOTH bandages AND Paracetoid 7g. [g]Do not [/g]use just one, then you'll waste material.

[g]When in doubt, post on the forum and ask for advice. [/g]This is a cooperation game. Solo acts ruins for everyone.

[g]Important material to bring back.[/g] Twisted Plank, Wrought Iron, Electronic component, Patchwork Beam, Metal Support, Bag of Cement, and Rotten Logs, Scrap Metal (which we can workshop into Twisted Planks and Wrought Iron)

If you have an erratic day, either stay in (or go 1 AP out to autoscav) then spend the day building. Best to scav in expeditions, to keep zone control.

Stuff to do on Day 1 guide[edit]

[cite]Stuff to do today by ChooJeremy[/cite]

Stuff you should do for Day 1: 1) Get water from the well. 2) Open your citizens welcome bag and your doggy bag. 3) Upgrade your house into a tent 4) Take your water ration and food and go out and search for materials (Preferably [g]FAR[/g] away from town) 5) When you have to log out, go back to town.(Bringing back the correct items - see item piority below) 6) Deposit all essential items into the bank. 7) Estimate the attack (if possible) and choose to upgrade a construction (if possible) 8) If you are the gatekeeper for today, close the gates as close to 22:59 as possible, or when everyone is in town.

ITEM PRIORITY: 1) Defense items, Hacksaw 2) nuts&bolts, copper pipe, elec device. 3) planks, iron, defense item 4) animals, other construction materials 5) weapons, drugs, booze, food, water 6) rotten logs, scrap metal. 7) everything else

Scavenging Guide[edit]

[cite]Scavenging guide thanks to OmniSzron[/cite]

[g][i] Scavenging guide[/i][/g][g]

1. Search every zone you enter.[/g] Explanation: searching zones doesn't cost any action points, so there is no downside to searching.

[g]2. Update the external map ( before you leave any zone.[/g] Explanation: the external map is one of the most important tools in the game. A well updated map can save people's lives and action points, because people will know where to go and what to expect at any given zone. Tip: If you can't get the map to work, make sure you have external applications enabled in your Die2Nite profile. Go to Your Soul -> Settings. Make sure the "Authorise external applications" box is checked. Now, log in at the external map application. It will redirect you to the Die2Nite log-in screen where you use your regular D2N credentials.

[g]3. Always mark a zone as depleted if it's depleted. If a building is depleted, make sure to mark it on the external map.[/g] Explanation: once a zone is searched a sufficient number of times it will deplete. Depleted zones will basically yield only Rotten Logs and Scrap Metal, which are very poor quality items. That's why it's important to let other people know that they won't find any quality items in a particular zone. To do this, just use the Zone Marker drop-down menu and choose "Depleted zone". This information will be automatically carried over to the external map. Buildings can be depleted (and replenished) independently from the zone they're situated in. If a building is depleted, it will show the following message when you try to search it: "After a sneaky scout around the building, you are sure there is nothing left to recover. Shame...". If that's the case, use the external map to mark the building as depleted (it will be displayed with a big red cross mark over it from then on).

[g]4. Try to spend a lot of time auto-searching outside. Don't auto-search near the town (up to 3 km) or in depleted areas.[/g] Explanation: auto-searching is a mechanic that allows you to leave your character in a zone on the map to perform a search of the zone every two hours. You don't need to be online for auto-search to work, so it's a good idea to leave your character auto-searching before you go to bed or school/work. But be wary where you leave your character. The areas near the town get a lot of traffic from other players. Every person coming through a zone can search it, so the ones in close proximity to the town get depleted very quickly.

Auto-searching a depleted zone will only yield low quality items, if the town is working towards the Dump/free dump and has a watchtower level is advisable to autosearch 1 AP away from town with escort mode turned on. This is to accumulate as many items as possible for the dump late game.

[g]5. Drop found items on the ground while moving away from the town .[/g] Explanation: your rucksack has limited space for items. If you fill it with items while going away from town, you will reach a point where no more can fit in it. You will be forced to drop some of the items on the ground. The problem is, you can be really far away from town when this happens. If you had left them on the ground earlier, they would be lying much closer to town, allowing other scavengers to bring them in (and use less action points to do it). Of course, once you're on your way back to town, fill your rucksack with everything you can find.

[g]6. Always plan your route before leaving town. Try to move in groups.[/g] Explanation: good planning can save you a lot of action points. Make sure you have enough food/water to get to where you're going and back. Check with the external map for zombies, zone depletion and items. If you move in groups you can enter zones with more than 2 zombies and deplete them faster.

[g]7. Try to haul in at least one heavy defensive item per day.[/g] Explanation: You have one slot in your rucksack for heavy items. Use it wisely. The absolute best use for your heavy slot are defensive items (i.e.: Mattress, Sheet Metal, Door, Concrete, etc.). They are super-valuable and can give up to 8 :gard: for the town later in the game.

[g]8. If you're trapped don't run away from zombies and don't fight them with your bare hands. Send a distress call on the forums.[/g] Explanation: you got yourself trapped by zombies, haven't you? Well, it happens. The worst things you could do now are trying to run away (this will get you injured, which will reduce your maximum action points, give you an infection the next day and probably kill you in two days) and trying to fight the zombies with your bare hands (this action costs an action point and has a very low chance of success). Remain calm and send a distress call on your town's forum. Make sure to check the "This message is a call for help" box before posting it.

Understanding the Workshop[edit]

[rp]The workshop is the single most important building that we can build right now. [/rp]

[g]Please DO NOT use any planks or wrought iron until the workshop built. [/g]

Do you see all that scrap metal and those rotting logs in the bank? When we get the workshop built, we can turn those into more planks and wrought iron. Then, we can build other town improvements. But the workshop needs to come first!

Are you aware that when you search a depleted zone, that you can find rotting logs and scrap metal? Those are useless without the workshop!

Until the workshop is complete, all of your AP should be spent SEARCHING the outer world to find materials to build that workshop—that means planks, iron, and concrete. If you find those things, bring them back to town.

Until the workshop is built, DO NOT spend AP on building other town improvements.

It's one simple concept: [g]Teams[/g].

There are three basic team designs, though they can be modified to suit a particular town's needs. Let's give you the run down, shall we?

[g]The Scavenging Team [/g]- Without materials and supplies, a town is not going to last much longer than a lonely pig at a bacon convention. This team's sole purpose is to brave the dangers of the desert in order to find what the town needs. Solo scavenging can yield decent results, but a few small, organized crews can travel through zombie heavy zones and find even better loot. Scavengers should be running planned expeditions on a daily basis in order to maximize efficient use of :ap:.

[g]The Building Team [/g]- These are your work horses. When new defenses are needed, when you need to say goodbye to your pet cat and kibble him up or when you need to expand the well's reservoir, these are the strong bodies that will get it done. Builders reserve almost all of their :ap: for daily construction projects. However, builders can also help with some localized scavenging by stepping one zone out of town to autosearch for raw materials (rotting log and scrap metal).

[g]The Swing Team [/g]- Sometimes, just sometimes, plans fall apart. Builders don't have enough :ap:, expeditions come up short a person or three... sometimes things just go wrong. The Swing Team exists to keep things going smoothly. They ooze back and forth between the other two teams, making sure the town's needs are covered. Swingers (no innuendo, please) should be very active forum readers, as they will need to pay attention to problem areas that need to be fixed. [g]