Day 3 - Part 2

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Page 1[edit]

...I heft the launcher and put in my backpack along with a spare battery and some twinoid - twinoid doesn’t stop the desert heat from frying your brain but it numbs your brain enough that you don’t care. What will stop your brain frying is water - a precious commodity nowadays. I go to the well, a hole in the ground desperately dug by long-dead landscapers. Come to think of it, this desert is a stupid place to build a town... it’s almost like they knew what would happen, like the whole thing’s just some government experiment to see how long we’ll last. Anyway, I haul the bucket up and fill my flask with the precious liquid.

Fully prepared I head out. My backpack’s full so I can’t keep anything I find on the way. I just haul it out into the desert sun and hope someone else will pick up the unlabelled drugs some soul dropped before the event. Next sector I find an arm... wonderful. I consider keeping it, meat is meat after all, but it isn’t worth the risk of infection. I’d rather starve than turn into one of them.

Page 2[edit]

Before I reach the crest of the hill into sector 2/3 I crash out. I’m half-starved, exhausted and wherever I go I hear shuffling and moaning in the desert winds. Fuck it, it’s time for the twinoid. Maybe I can’t face reality but, hey, who needs reality when it looks like this? I put the pill in my mouth and swallow it with a sip of precious water. That’s better...

The colours of the desert look sharper, the heat feels more intense but more bearable - like a searing hot bath, at once too hot and satisfyingly cleansing. I can feel the blood pulsing in my head, like the beat of the nightclubs used to be before... before what? Before the blood and the death and the drugs and the sweet oblivion that spares us the pain of knowing genuine oblivion is just around the corner. I haul myself to my feet, get the battery launcher out of my bag and prepare to waste some of those monsters.

Page 3[edit]

I crest the hill and I see the guy who called for help, Rob. I don’t know him well, I don’t know any of them well, but I’ve seen him around. Good guy, helped build the workshop, but if he’s out here in the desert alone he can’t be that bright. He’s fending off six zombies, desperately forcing them back with some old bit of pipe he found. The twinoid takes me and I... I start to dance to the beat. I’m dancing and singing and I can’t help it, the drug’s like a force driving my body to actions I never thought it would perform again... [contd...]

Author : LordRuthven