Based on a true story

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Pitiless Bay of the Banished, day 4

Bam! scratch scratch... Crrrrrrrr...

What's going on? Thedoc1337 opens a careful eye.

Noise... it sounds like it's coming from the workshop. Or maybe the bank this time of the night?

We survived the attack. No zombie got in: the gazette can't be wrong. The Crow can't be wrong! So what of it? Thedoc grabs a log and sneaks around... Gasp! A burglar! Shock! Terror! Thedoc wields his mighty log and hits the intruder on the head only to realise he had an accomplice. Right behind him! With a gun! And what's this: bullets? Where did they come from... By the Almighty Crow!!?

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Bang! Thedoc1337 is shot. The burglars vanish before BerZerg arrives to carry thedoc to the infirmary.

Story has it that as he was given bandage and paracetoid, all thedoc cared about was whether his companions stuck in the world beyond managed to get help.

What a guy!

by Workshop

Author : Workshop